Recommended to kids ages 12-13.
Widge is an orphan. He is apprenticed to Dr. Bright, the inventor of shorthand, (then called charactery) and becomes one of the only ones who knows how to write in it. For that reason, he is hired by a mysterious traveler. Widge has no idea of what the future holds for him when he begins the journey. There is so much more to say, but if I tell you anymore, it might give it away. Before you know it you will be completely immersed in the plot of this riveting adventure. The great thing about this book is that there are two more after it. There is nothing worse than a great book just ending. The other thing about this tale which I found very interesting, is how it told about what a crazy business play-writing was. If the play-write chose to print the play, than everybody would be able to perform it and make money off of it instead of just him. If he chose not to, than the script wouldn't be available to any of the other companys... unless they stole it. However, if they did manage to get their hands on it, than they could go print it, and therefore the real play-write would loose all right to it. Boys will like this book, but there is also a twist to it that girls will definitely enjoy. 

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